Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The trending ice cream shop in Korea that is 50% on sale all year round.


This is something that I have noticed becoming a trending in the summer of last year. I quite observed how it spreads so fast like the first time I saw it, was an opening in one corner of  Yulha. The next day I saw another one opening around Jelmi then I saw another one opening in Sukbung. By now it is almost everywhere next to a 24/7 and convenient stores.

My thoughts

My first thought therefore was, wow! this is cool, But with all the settings I was wondering if the business would only operate during summer. But to my surprise, it went all year round. This would definitely be a click business on a tropical country. Because Korea has four seasons, the business is likely expected to  struggle in winter. It is probably why I am seeing some of it connected to a convenient store, or a candy and snack shop like this Ice cream shop that I almost visit every week to grab my favorite snacks and ice cream. A nice and creative way to survive it over the winter. I was thankfully allowed to have recorded quickly when I got lucky to be alone in the shop before another costumers came in. 

The price is real

The price therefore are really on sale like a 50% off of the prices from the regular stores and grocery stores. My favorite for instance which is hard to find from the regular store's normal price was 80  
cents won ( 75 cents in  US dollar) but in the Ice cream shop, it is only 40 cents won. ( 35 cents in US dollar)

The drama on the few minutes of the last part of the video was me trying to find my favorite one. It ended that with all those much ice creams on the stock, I found the last piece of it. Lucky me! Glad the owner was really nice and helped me found it..


  1. i saw some koreans eating ice cream on winter! even me sometimes, but only inside the house haha

    1. Ha ha ha yeah! Me too. But still, I actually noticed one that sells nothing but icecream closed during winter. But this shop owner was clever, she added other other all season snacks that attracts kids and constumers all season.

  2. So much ice cream!!!! Every thing was so neat, clean and tempting. How can you decide? If you tried one new thing every week, it would take you a year to try each one. Then you could start over.

    1. LOl! So true. I can't help but to grab at least a piece everyday while walking my puppies. Some days 2 and on summer I can finish 5 the most.
      My favorite one changes all the time as they are always coming up with the better stuffs..
