Tuesday, September 18, 2018

American village in Namhea / 미국마을 경상남도 남해군

The American village is located right along the way if you are driving along the bay in Yongso - ri around Namhea, you'll definitely won't missed it. As the Statue of Liberty will absolutely grab your attention. You can either have a stop over for a picture taking, no admission and parking fees. But if you are looking for a get away place to stay you can rent one of the pension house and enjoy the rest of  your trip on this beautiful and peaceful village. 

I was trying to look for a smaller map, but they had it engraved on the huge wall so, this is all I could cover. And there weren't enough space for me to back off.

Twas a very informative landmark and a very interesting introduction. We were not able to have any contacts nor have spoken to anybody there, but the wall had given us all we wanted to know. Ha! ha! ha! Talk to the wall. Yeah! I really didn't mind talking to this wall.

The interesting backside of the very informative wall.

And the stunning view of the Aenggang Bay which was perfected by the beauty of the getting ready for a golden harvest rice paddies.

I just couldn't help to take noticed of the cute bus stop design. I guess it represents Disney with it's floppy ears and a castle model castle behind it.. Lovely!

Oh! nice view of thy Statue of Liberty!

Grandma and Immo ( Immo is what Korean calls an aunt from mother side family and Kumo from the father side )  are currently residing in America and they would certainly love to retire here.

Let's go further more and see what's up there.

Hello! Wikiki we're in Hawaii  I guess..

        Aha! The name of this pension house is WIKIKI BEACH.

 We actually strolled around peeking if we could enter one of the 
gates but I guess there isn't any walk ins around here. You'd either make a reservation online, or make a call. 

They gotta free parking lot and toilets up further more, meaning we haven't explored half of the village yet but we were hungry. It was past 1 pm already and we have no idea where to find the best seafood restaurant in the Island.


We've decided to once again go find a seafood restaurant first and come back for the rest, since we were planning to visit the France village. But then we ended up somewhere else.

This was our quick yet wonderful experience with the American village of Namhea. And it is a continuation of our journey from  our day 1 of  our 4 days wandering around Gyeongsangnam - do. See you on my next blog about how we found the best seafood restaurant around the Island. 

Sangju Silver Sand Beach

Namhea Gamcheon Village


  1. I am from America, lower middle Tennessee and I must say, those are BIG, beautiful houses. The people who live there must be rich!

    1. I'm sure they are, most Koreans live in an apartment buildings and to actually own a house and lot here are really considered wealthy..
