Saturday, September 8, 2018

연암 Restaurant with Korean traditional interior that serves steam rice wr...


Today's adventure is a very nice restaurant with an amazing Korean traditional interior that serves a steamed rice wrapped in a lotus leaf and traditional alcohol.

We were greeted by the very inviting landscape at the entrance of the restaurant. We came here unplanned by the way. The original plan was visiting a nice restaurant in Gimhea but I was late so we ended up in this nice restaurant. 

    The surviving mini lotus blooms are waving us their beauty 
                          with a sweet, sweet  hello! 


     I Just love art, my eyes are just starting 
            with their appetizers. 

    Oh! yeah, I can see you guys too, hello there! Lovely day isn't it?

Okay, Let's get going, Oh! my Lord! Where were we? I just loved it. I just couldn't put my camera (phone) down. It is just amazing and lovely interior inside. I know for locals or maybe you this is normal but, I am so into the decoration more than the food, sorry tummy.

This is the awesome counter, fully decorated with traditional art clay and art crafts. Something that would really bring someone's mood to the ancient or in the old old times. 

 An old fashion heater which may never be a part of the functioning appliances but, to see it on display is just antique and incredibly darn beautiful.

Going back to the ancient Asian dramas I've seen, is just like being in one of the scenes. Each costumers can enjoy their own privacy in each of these privatized rooms. 

         They indeed have some varieties of interesting collections.

I think these aren't a part of decoration anymore, I just realized that perhaps the owner is an artist. It is quiet trending for Korean turning their own hobby into business. I have no knowledge about the owner of the restaurant but I did have a consent to take a photo  and make a blog about this experience. Perhaps on my next visit I could make an update.    

 While waiting I for the food I asked  A permission from the staff to tour around and take picture. I even went upstairs to explore the very interesting traditional interior. 

I just couldn't get enough of this place. It is something that is expected to be costly but surprisingly not. 

 My friend had already ordered but let's see what's on the menu.

Nice, so this is a coffee shop at the same time. 

     Oh no, looking at the menu it looks like it is a coffee shop, 
      traditional alcohol place, restaurant and a pottery store.

   It kind of took time for uor food to come because the restaurant 
   was busy but we enjoyed the cozy atmosphere with a nice tea.


   Unfortunately, after 20 minutes we were told that there's 
        only one available and it wasn't normal but they would 
        compliments us with special bibimbap instead. 

   To our surprise, only regular rice came instead, they must have 
   run out of food from the amount of unexpected costumers.

I have tried dolsut bapsang (steamed rice on a stone pot) and other Korean bapsang (other similar Korean dish serving that comes with many variety of side dishes and a special cooked rice) many times but this is my first time to try  yon ip bap (steam rice in a lotus leaf.) 


It is quiet interesting it's a mix grains with glutenous rice, beans and nuts. It complimented well with the delicious taste of the rest of the side dishes which seemed organic and additives free.

      Burp! Burp! Happy tummy, happy eyes and happy pocket. My
      friend had a discount because they only had 1 serving of what 
      we ordered. Nice experience, though I've learned that perhaps  
      we should make a reservation before going there next time.


   김해 장유 팔판 마을에있는 좋은 식당
If you are looking for something special for your foreigner family to experience around Gimhea city. I would recommend this place. Per head cost 15,000 if you are taking the same course that we had, but there are many choices on. The food is delicious but I recommend you to make a reservation if you are planning to visit it. Because from our experience as walk in first timer costumer, it seemed like the restaurant was unprepared. For inquiry, you may contact them at 312-1616

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