Monday, July 15, 2019

How would you imagine a squid and peanut snack taste?

                    오징어 땅콩 과자- Squid peanut my new addicting  Korean favorite snack.

For Koreans a squid and a peanut would be a perfect chaser while having beer, soju or so. Well, generally Korean snacks and food are something I know I'd better not be picky about knowing the benefits and the tastes that fits my taste buds well. But the idea of squid and peanut together just never caught my attention. I am not a fond of squid but definitely a peanut lover, The idea of combining them together therefore never entered my thoughts. That's why I was never interested on picking this on the shelves at the grocery store. It was just last Thursday when my little friend (kid) offered me a pack of it and I didn't wanna disappoint him so I took it. As I was walking home I've decided to open it and started munching the crunch of it. My! oh, My, You won't believe what happened next! I found myself in a store grabbing another pack. So addicting, the next day I craved for more so I bought two, the next day came and I was still craving for it. I just grabbed my 8th pack today, and while enjoying its crunch I decided to share it to everyone, marking it my new favorite snack.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Sending Lucky back to heaven our pomeranian and cocker spaniel mix who died from heart failure.


One of my biggest fear of being a furry mom just happened unexpectedly. I know someday they will be gone and I thought I was ready, but it happened very fast. If you are a four legged parent then you could relate to the pain we are dealing now.

 After 7 months of moving in Korea, we've decided to have our own place and finally moved into a small one room pad. Upon settling we felt that the small pad we had was too spacious for us. So one day, we went walking around to find any stray dogs that we could adopt. We've been walking all day on the street around Gimhea city but we were not able to find one. Finally we've decided that it was time to give up so we entered a pet shop and started choosing from the display. A tiny cute little puppy had instantly stolen my heart and started petting him. The pet owner was so happy and told us that if we like him we can take him for free.We were so delighted and nothing completed our day and emptiness since that day so we named him Lucky. Lucky came to us on September 5th 2006. 

Contrary to his little brother who came 3 months later, he hardly gets sick and rarely visits his vet. He had been very healthy except for one occasion where he got bitten by a Jindo and went under treatment. On the last 2 days of the last week of  May, we noticed  that he was not being as active as he used to be. We just thought of the normal weather changes thing. So we ignored the 1st day. The 2nd day he started coughing so I told my husband that I'm gonna  bring him to his vet. However, the next day which was Saturday, 6/1/19  he fainted from coughing severely. His vet explained us that he got a positive result from heart worm attack due to a mosquito bite and told us to come back after a month. Unfortunately, he didn't even make it for a week. He had been so taught with his high tolerance in pains that we were not  able to notice it. We did all our best to save him but it was too late. He died on my arms on our way to his hospital. He even used his final strength to turn around and look at us with a smile before he had his last breath. 

Lesson learned, never ignore the heart worm vaccination or heart guard for your pets, Just because they look strong all the time doesn't mean they ain't in pain. Whenever they try to stay away from you, that means they are feeling sick. 

Rest in peace Lucky.. You will be forever missed.

Our world may have stopped for a moment to recover from your sudden absence. But your beautiful memories will remain with us forever. It will never be the same without you, but a new joy is surely about to fill us as you take a beauty rest in the hands of our creator. You're definitely irreplaceable as you've already won a special place in our hearts. Thank you for your loyalty, adding spices in our moods, the joy and being a part of our family.

Lucky Kim 6-8-06 to 6-10- 19---- Thank you Lucky for the beautiful 13 years of love and affection.