Friday, June 1, 2018

First day of summer picnic around Jangyu waterfalls.


It wasn't our usual day today, we normally eat out first and drive around afterwards. But today my friend and I thought about trying something new like picnicking. 

   We usually drive around here and no matter how often we  have done it, the place is never the same. Each season has it's own stories to tell. 

Last week we've decided to get off the car and took a peek and burnt a few calories. In case you do not have time to watch the whole video. I just attached some of my shots below.




No words can describe the feeling of being here. Just so relaxing and  the lichen growth of low-lying boulders and the moss encircling the untouched for ages rocks and trunks of trees and the old decayed log, long softened by rot and spotted with moss are telling you how lucky you are to have found them undisturbed and are ready to be discovered by explorers. And this was what inspired us to come back and have a picnic instead.

When we arrived at Hope park, there were few scattered people enjoying their favorite spots. We picked ours, set it up and started enjoying our picnic had some few selfies as usual, when we suddenly heard a loud crashing bang..

After tracing the source, we saw a car hanging on a cliff not far from our location.  My friend hurried and dialed 119     ( Korea emergency number is 119 not 911 like western country.) while  some of the people who are having a picnic nearby rushed to the rescue.  

Thankfully, no one was hurt except for the bumper damage at the back of the car. The police car arrived in few minutes followed by an ambulance.

 After settling the call, we went back to our plates. And started recalling our early conversation on our way here. It was funny because we we're supposed to park in that same area but my friend felt weird so we parked somewhere else. Also we talked about the exact scenario of her car falling off the cliff. 

Anyway, For some reason I've decided to make a lot of spaghetti today, I just thought about sharing it with the kids since my husband had been praising my spaghetti lately. I was not able to separate some for our picnic so we carried the whole thing with us.

The family of 4 who owned the car came down except for the father who was dealing with rescuers. They sat down near our table and noticed the amount of our food. It became a start of our funny chat and we found out that they came from Gupo city and were actually here for camping. The family joined our table and shared our food. They came early because Saturday will be surely packed with campers. We had a great time with them like we just wanna seat and mingle with them all day. The mother is such a fun person to be around. In spite of the accident with their car, they manage to have a good laugh at it and enjoyed the beautiful day.

I was not able to take a shot of their tent but it was located around this area. I went home with lots of good memories as usual..So I've decided to bring my In-laws to see the changes of this place but, weekend was so packed.

 I've taken these during our quick visit with my In-laws and our  puppies.The place indeed is fully facilitated for kids the whole family to enjoy. 

Thought on the sign by the entrance says no camping, the set up was made perfectly for a safety and fully facilitated for camping. I have not explored the upper area today where the real waterfalls lies. I am saving it for my autumn adventure. 

The peak of the mountain is where Jangyu temple is located (장유사) . This place is getting popular these days and the government had really put a lot of effort and money to develop the area as the city is booming. Jangyu waterfalls is mostly packed with campers and nature lover from nearby cities during summer. This place is one truly fantastic package for nature lovers. To get there you can type 장유사 on your navigation it is along the way. you can find it below the mountain.